Once again, we will take to the streets to call out: It’s our right!
On Friday, 9 December 2011, we will walk together in the annual Human Rights March. Join the event on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/tpFL55
Meeting point at Habima Square, Tel Aviv, 10:00 am.
Rally in Rabin Square, 12:00 pm.
The March has room for all the different flags, for all the groups and initiatives that view human rights as the moral and social foundation for change. Many voices that are not frequently heard, or even not heard at all – thousands of activists for freedom of expression, protest, and movement, for the right to privacy, for human dignity; activists for migrant workers, asylum seekers, homeless persons, the unemployed, Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, and Palestinian citizens of Israel; for the adequate housing, health, and education that we all deserve. Once a year, just before International Human Rights Day, we join forces: all of the rights, all the activists, all the groups and organizations, all the believers come together.
This past summer, the streets of Israel were filled with believers. A belief that we can change things, that we should and we must – bring about a new policy, a new culture regarding the state’s treatment of its citizens, a new approach regarding the state’s obligation to promote the rights of all of us.
This belief has empowered many, who thought they were a few and alone and suddenly discovered that we are a mass. This past summer, the flag of social justice has been raised, but this is only the beginning of change, of raising consciousness to the fact that all human rights must be afforded to every human being.
Anti-democratic winds are sweeping through Israel, but last year’s Human Rights March proved that Israeli civil society is wide awake, working and struggling to protect human rights and democracy.
The winds are blowing and anti-democratic legislation continues to be promoted, as though the people never flooded the streets in a demand for social justice. And yet the Israeli society has now changed – we are more united, we know how to protest, we know how to demand. So join us in the Human Rights March – this is your stage!
The March, organized by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), is the flagship event of the Israeli human rights and social change community. Hundreds of organizations, communities, and activists – all come together to say: It’s our right, to all human rights, for all human beings.
Read more in the March Blog in English: http://themarch.org.il/?cat=38
Attend and share the Facebook event: http://on.fb.me/tpFL55