A Renewed Appeal Against the Renewed Anti-Infiltration Law
ACRI’s Position: On Tuesday 10 December, the Knesset passed a law designed to circumvent September’s High Court of Justice ruling, in which the Court overturned the original “Anti-Infiltration” law. The central change in the new law, is that the detention center where the asylum seekers can now be indefinitely detained is labeled “an open facility” – this despite being run by the Israel Prison Service, requiring attendance at three compulsory head-counts each day, and possessing other prison-like characteristics. |
Once Again: A New Law to Limit Foreign Donations to Non-Profit Organizations
Ministerial Committee for Legislative Affairs Sunday, 15/12/2013 | Determining the Government’s Position
ACRI’s Position: On Sunday, the Ministerial Committee for Legislative Affairs approved (8 in favor, 4 against) a bill that would tax donations from foreign state entities to certain Israeli NGOs who implicitly or explicitly support certain actions such as: calling for boycotts, divestment or sanctions against Israel, calling for the prosecution of Israeli soldiers at international tribunals, etc. This bill is the most recent incarnation of an ongoing campaign in recent years to limit international funding to various causes disliked by the government. Similar bills that have been initiated by Members of Knesset in recent years have been unsuccessful. ACRI has sent a concise position paper to the ministerial committee, clearly articulating how the bill infringes upon free speech and is inconsistent with basic democratic principles. It is unfortunate and alarming that we must reiterate the principles of a democratic system of government. The existence of democracy, and a flourishing democracy in particular, requires that freedom of expression, freedom of association, and the freedom to public criticize and protest be protected. This is necessary with regards to all opinions and attitudes, even those not to the liking of everyone. From here, the bill will move to the Knesset floor for a preliminary reading, before appearing again for further discussion before the Ministerial Committee for Legislative Affairs, as per the request of Justice Minister Tzipi Livni. |
Uncertainty Regarding the Future of the Begin/Prawer Plan
Bill for the Regulation of Bedouin Settlement in the Negev – 2013 Interior Affairs and Environment Committee Sunday, 17/1/2013 | Committee Discussion
ACRI’s Position: The last few days has seen a number of contradictory announcements made by government officials and Members of Knesset. As such, it is unclear exactly how the State will proceed with regards to the Bill for the Regulation of Bedouin Settlement in the Negev. |
In the Spotlight:
Ynet Op-Ed – Thieves, go home! Monday, December 10
“You, who govern us, how is it possible that basic human rights have become a luxury? How is it possible that we have people without rights alongside people with privileges? How could you privatize, with the thrust of a knife, Israel’s welfare services? How is it possible that housing prices in Israel are among the most exaggerated in the world? How could you rob public housing from thousands of people in desperate need of a home? |