Forbidding the Provision of Assistance to Palestinians Illegally Residing in Israel
Bill on Illegal Residence (Prohibition of Assistance) – 2013 Ministerial Committee on Legislative Affairs Sunday, 3/11/2013 | Determining the Government’s Decision
ACRI’s Position: This draft bill seeks to turn a provisional order currently in force into permanent legislation. In 1994, the Knesset approved a temporary provision for a period of six months, the aim of which was to forbid the employment or shelter of Palestinians from the Occupied Territories illegally living in Israel. Since it was first enacted, the provision has been extended time and time again. In 2011, the Ministry of Justice began drafting a legislative memorandum that would enshrine its dictates in law and thus bring to an end the periodic debates on the matter that took place during each extension debate. The memorandum was approved as a law in 2011, but was restricted to a period of three years. The government’s intention is now to turn it into a permanent law. |
Opposing the Wisconsin Plan
Welfare to Work Bill Labour and Welfare Committee Monday, 4/11/2013 | Preparation for second and third reading
ACRI’s Position: Prior to the Knesset committee’s discussion on the Welfare to Work Bill (the new ‘Wisconsin Plan’), Rabbis for Human Rights, ACRI, and Community Advocacy made its opposition known to the committee. In our correspondence, the organizations specified key deficiencies in the program including: a lack of job-creation strategies, a comprehensive privatization of government powers, the continued deterioration of employment services, etc. The organizations additionally outlined a number of important amendments that should be inserted into the bill in the event that it continues to advance. Some of these demands include:
Dispossessing the Bedouins of their Land
Bill for the Regulation of Bedouin Settlement in the Negev, 2013 Internal Affairs and Environment Committee Wednesday, 6/11/2013 | Preparation for second and third reading
ACRI’s Position: The bill being advanced by the government deals with establishment of a mechanism for investigating and regulating land-ownership in the Negev. This regulation includes determining land ownership claims, liability in respect of such claims and levels of compensation where claims are found to exist, etc. Among the major problems contained in the bill under its current formulation are:
Violations of the Rights of Battered Women and their Children
Rights and status of immigrant women who have suffered physical and/or sexual violence Special Committee on Foreign Workers Wednesday, 6/11/2013 | Continuation of Committee Discussion
ACRI’s Position: Women who have entered into a relationship with Israeli men, immigrated to Israel, and begun the process of regulating their status, often find themselves as the victims of a violent relationship. Violent and abusive men can take advantage of the fact that their wives are dependent on them for the regulation of their status, and owing to the fact that they have moved to a new country. An immigrant – with temporary status, or with no status at all, is at the bottom of the social ladder and may not know or may be afraid to stand up for her rights. |
In the Spotlight:
A Victory for Women’s Rights: Monday, October 28
The Working Group for Equality in Personal Status Issues, of which ACRI is a founding member, has been working to have the minimum age of marriage raised from 17 to 18 for more than seven years. |