Policy Advocacy

  • Attorney General to Limit Claims by Government Authorities Against Community Organizations

    Attorney General to Limit Claims by Government Authorities Against Community Organizations

    October 6, 2014

      In 2005, during Jerusalem’s gay pride parade, one of the participant’s was stabbed by an ultra-orthodox resident of the … Read more

  • ACRI to Government Authority – Reverse Anti B’tselem Decision or Face Legal Action

    ACRI to Government Authority – Reverse Anti B’tselem Decision or Face Legal Action

    August 16, 2014

    On the evening of August 13, 2014, B’tselem received a letter from the Director General of the National Civilian Service … Read more

  • IDF’s Hannibal Protocol – Endangering the Lives of Kidnapped Soldiers and Civilians

    IDF’s Hannibal Protocol – Endangering the Lives of Kidnapped Soldiers and Civilians

    August 11, 2014

      Following multiple reports of the implementation of the IDF’s “Hannibal Protocol” during the kidnapping of Second Lieutenant Hadar Goldin, … Read more

  • Concerns of Excessive Use of Skunk Spray in East Jerusalem

    Concerns of Excessive Use of Skunk Spray in East Jerusalem

    August 10, 2014

      Skunk liquid is a foul smelling liquid that is sprayed with great force from police vans as a means … Read more

  • Bar-Ilan University Rebukes Professor for Expressing Concern for Both Palestinian and Israeli Victims

    Bar-Ilan University Rebukes Professor for Expressing Concern for Both Palestinian and Israeli Victims

    July 31, 2014

        Professor Hanoch Sheinman, a professor of law at Bar-Ilan University, sent an e-mail to his second year students regarding … Read more