Legal Work

For a full list of pending legal cases that ACRI is involved in, click here.

  • ACRI: Jerusalem Municipality Is Responsible for Its Residents beyond the Barrier

    ACRI: Jerusalem Municipality Is Responsible for Its Residents beyond the Barrier

    December 15, 2011

    In response to the remarks of Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, as reported yesterday by the newspaper Ma’ariv (14 December 2011), in … Read more

  • Illegal Use of Closed Military Zone Orders to Restrict Legal Protest

    Illegal Use of Closed Military Zone Orders to Restrict Legal Protest

    November 7, 2011

    ACRI has written to the Commander of the Judea and Samaria Division and to the Commander of the Judea and … Read more

  • Petition: Deployment of Private Security Guards in East Jerusalem Is Unalwful

    Petition: Deployment of Private Security Guards in East Jerusalem Is Unalwful

    October 31, 2011

    The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem petitioned the High Court of Justice … Read more

  • acri

    Rescind Directives to Settlers Regarding Use of Live Fire in September

    August 31, 2011

    ACRI calls on military to rescind directives to settlers regarding the use of live fire in September.   Following a … Read more

  • High Court: Military Investigations into Killing of Civilians Are Essential in Protecting the Right to Life

    High Court: Military Investigations into Killing of Civilians Are Essential in Protecting the Right to Life

    August 23, 2011

    The High Court of Justice rejected the B’Tselem and ACRI petition because it became redundant, but stressed: the army must … Read more