Legal Work

For a full list of pending legal cases that ACRI is involved in, click here.

  • ACRI to Modi’in Municipality: Restricting Entrance to Public Parks is Illegal

    ACRI to Modi’in Municipality: Restricting Entrance to Public Parks is Illegal

    October 30, 2012

    Today (30 October 2012) the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) sent a letter to the Mayor of Modi’in, … Read more

  • State Attorney Repudiates Minister Yishai’s Decree to Arrest Sudanese Asylum Seekers

    State Attorney Repudiates Minister Yishai’s Decree to Arrest Sudanese Asylum Seekers

    October 25, 2012

    In reply to court petition, State Attorney emphasizes that the Minister of Interior’s announcement was his alone, made without a … Read more

  • Umm Kulthum, ACRI, and the Postal Service in East Jerusalem

    Umm Kulthum, ACRI, and the Postal Service in East Jerusalem

    October 21, 2012

    Last week, it was published that Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat dedicated Umm Kulthum Street in the Beit Hanina neighborhood in … Read more

  • Movement Restrictions in Jordan Valley to Be Lifted Following Repeated Demands by ACRI

    Movement Restrictions in Jordan Valley to Be Lifted Following Repeated Demands by ACRI

    October 15, 2012

    The Israeli military decided to remove the restrictions on movement between the Jordan Valley and the rest of the West … Read more

  • Court Enjoins Arrest of Sudanese Asylum Seekers until Further Decision

    Court Enjoins Arrest of Sudanese Asylum Seekers until Further Decision

    October 11, 2012

    Jerusalem District Court Judge Nava Ben-Or issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting the arrest of asylum seekers from Sudan.  A hearing … Read more