Police and Security Guards

You have reached ACRI’s archive, updated with our activity up until 2018. For more recent posts, please visit our current website here.

The continued development of settlements has created intense friction between the area’s Palestinian inhabitants and the settler population resulting in police intervention. Increasingly, interactions with the authorities in response to disputes become violent and often result in the infringement of Palestinian residents’ rights. Despite the cause of the dispute, in most cases the settler population, financially supported by the State and protected by private security, is favored to the Palestinian residents.

ACRI has and continues to petition the police chief and the High Court with regards to racial profiling by the police, along with police brutality, the interrogation of minors, various forms of harassment, and the barricades of streets and neighborhoods. ACRI challenges the current practice by the authorities of favoring the settler population, and seeks through public advocacy, legal work, and education, to promote an end to the current violations of the Palestinian residents’ basic human rights that result from the State sanctioned increase of settlements in East Jerusalem.


Legal Work

In the Knesset



Policy Advocacy

Knesset Roundup