Gun Free Kitchen Tables Coalition
The Israeli government is trying to increase the sense of security on the streets at the expense of increasing the risk of harm to innocent people, especially innocent women. The Gun Free Kitchen Tables Coalition calls on the Minister for Social Equality Gila Gamliel and the Minister for Justice Ayelet Shaked not to agree to proposed exemptions relating to the carrying of weapons, without first considering the risk to women. The proposed amendment to the firearms legislation is due to come before the Ministerial Committee for discussion today.
Since the regulations for carrying weapons were tightened in September 2013, no one had been killed by security weapons – until the attack in Tel Aviv on Friday. Over the past decade, 33 people were murdered with security guards’ weapons outside of office hours. Most of the victims were family members of security guards.
If regulations concerning the carrying of weapons and issuing of firearms licenses for citizens are loosened, then the danger will increase, especially for women. In accordance with article 6 of the Women’s Equal Rights Law, there must be consultation with women stakeholders prior to the amending the law.
Please click here to read the letter by the Gun Free Kitchen Tables Coalition (in Hebrew).
The general position of the Coalition on the topic was sent to the government last week. Click here for more information, including a list of victims