What to expect from the 19th Knesset


A new Knesset and government following the 22 January elections will bring renewed challenges for human rights in Israel and the OPT. Polls indicate that we may well be heading towards a more hard-line Knesset on many key human rights issues, but at the same time, one in which social rights issues may also very much be at the front.

The 18th Knesset saw numerous attempts to pass anti-democratic laws , thus raising a warning flag for those who care about human rights and civil liberties in Israel. We define ‘anti-democratic legislation’ as laws that risk damaging Israel’s basic democratic structure: not only laws that infringe on human rights, but legislation that has the potential to change the very rules of the democratic game or to erode what should have been constitutionally protected rights. Of course, through ACRI’s work in the Knesset and with the public, we address all kinds of legislation that is inconsistent with human rights principles – both bills that we define as ‘anti-democratic’ as well as others.

In the briefing paper, we recap on some of the disturbing legislation that made it through the last Knesset (see here for a complete list), and offer an overview of some of the important trends we expect to see in the next government and Knesset, including further anti-democratic legislation; legislation to further advance the creeping annexation of Area C; and additional attempts to target the rights of asylum seekers rather than offer concrete solutions for their situation.

To download the briefing paper in full (pdf), click here.

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Categories: Anti-Democratic Initiatives, Arab Citizens of Israel, Area C Villages, Democracy and Civil Liberties, The Occupied Territories

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