In response to a petition submitted by ACRI and two partner organizations, the Jerusalem Administrative Court ruled that a tender for the employment of security guards in schools must follow certain guidelines, including setting a minimum hourly wage to ensure the guards receive fair and lawful compensation. Specifically, the manpower agency which employs the security guards must follow guidelines issued by the Accountant General in formulating the cost of the tenders (i.e. count the salary of each employer at a minimum of NIS 28-29 per hour, which includes pay and benefits); any tender falling below those guidelines would be cancelled. The court had also issued an interim injunction, when the petition was submitted in May 2007, postponing the implementation of the tender until the ruling. The employees in question guard the entrances of schools and accompany pupils on outings. The petition was submitted against the Interior Ministry, Local Government Economic Services (the manpower agency), the Union of Local Authorities, the Government’s Legal Adviser, and the Public Security Ministry.
ACRI Challenges “Loss Tender” for Subcontracted Security Guards –
Categories: Social and Economic Rights