You are invited to join ACRI at a unique evening experience!
Ohad Naharin – the Artistic Director of the Bat Sheva Dance Company, will be appearing in a special event: a Mass Gaga lesson for between 800 – 1000 people, with the assistance of the Bat Sheva dancers.
Gaga is an innovative movement language developed by Ohad Naharin that emphasizes the exploration of sensation and availability for movement. It focuses on strengthening the body, increasing flexibility and speed and awakening imagination.
The lesson will take place on Sunday 15 February at 8:30pm at Hangar 11 of the Tel Aviv-Yafo Port.
Early-bird tickets costs NIS 50, and all income will go to supporting ACRI.
Tickets can be bought at 03-5104037 or online at www.batsheva.co.il/en
To all of our Israeli supporters, we want to see you there dancing to support human rights!
To all of our overseas friends that can’t make it, then make sure to let your family and friends in Israel know about this special event.