A Bill to Enable the Knesset to Circumvent the Supreme Court

Photo CC by Joshua Paquin


The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) is vehemently opposed to the proposed bill that would enable the Knesset to re-legislate laws that have been invalidated by the High Court of Justice. This bill is scheduled to be discussed by the Ministerial Committee for Legislative Affairs on Sunday, October 26.



According to ACRI’s Attorney Debbie Gild Hayo, Director of Policy Advocacy: “In Israel’s current political reality, the High Court of Justice is practically the sole body that is able to protect minority groups from the tyrannical whims of the majority, prevent discrimination and defend basic human rights. It is precisely for these reasons that the court has come under attack. It was the High Court of Justice that ordered that women be allowed to serve in combat positions in the IDF and in the Israeli Air Force, that recognized the rights of LGBT families, that protected the rights of welfare recipients and ensured the rights of soldiers to a fair trial in military tribunals. It is legitimate to criticize the High Court of Justice, however these initiatives we are witnessing seek to fundamentally undermine the systems of checks and balances that are the essence of a democracy.

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Categories: Anti-Democratic Initiatives, Democracy and Civil Liberties

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