ACRI Presents: The Freedom of Expression and Protest Hotline

054-9330000 | Your number for questions, assistance, and counseling on issues of freedom of expression and protest.

What kind of demonstration requires a permit? How to deal with a municipal authority that dismantles a protest encampment? Did you encounter police violence? Do you need help negotiating with the police or municipal authorities? Do you want to designate stand-by attorneys ahead of a demonstration you are organizing?
The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) operates a hotline on issues of freedom of expression and protest: 054-9330000 (in Israel).
Activists, demonstration organizers, and demonstrators are welcome to call ACRI’s hotline with requests for information, assistance, and in relevant cases even legal counsel.
ACRI’s booklet on rights of demonstrators (July 2011)

More on ACRI’s work related to freedom of expression

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Categories: Democracy and Civil Liberties, Freedom of Expression

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