Forced Hospitalization

Forced hospitalization of mentally ill individuals means a complete violation of their most basic freedoms. The decision to undergo psychiatric care must always be taken with the understanding that no other alternatives exist. In extreme cases, forced hospitalization for psychiatric reasons must take place according to the conditions outlined in Israeli law. Yet, in reality, the authorities do not sufficiently enforce laws and procedures that prevent forced hospitalization, or ensure that when it is carried out that it takes place in a fair, humane, and just manner.

ACRI’s traditional stance on forced hospitalization is that the authority to sanction forced hospitalization should be transferred from psychiatric authorities to the courts so as to balance conflicting interests and ensure that human rights are respected as much as possible.

Each year, ACRI represents dozens of individuals who were hospitalized against their will. In almost all of the cases in which we submitted an appeal against forced hospitalization, the court accepted the appeal on the grounds that it was unjustified and illegal.

Resources on Forced Hospitalization:

Obtaining Medical Files after Forced Hospitalization, July 2003

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Categories: Democracy and Civil Liberties, Forced Hospitalization


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