Social and Community Workers

ACRI’s training programs for social and community workers focus on enhancing the participants’ understanding of the relevance of human rights discourse and principles to their everyday work. Social workers have considerable influence over people’s lives and fates, a responsibility that obliges them to make careful use of the professional power and social mandate they have been given. They must preserve their clients’ dignity and respect their right to make decisions about their lives. ACRI’s educational activities for social service workers aim to change the perception of clients from "needy" to "entitled." Community workers also exert considerable influence over their constituents and can have boundless effects on the level of activism and civic engagement in their midst. Ultimately, our programs seek to empower professionals to help their clients access their rights. At the same time, they empower professionals to take advantage of their own rights to execute their jobs more effectively.

Examples of ACRI’s Programs for Social and Community Workers include:

  • A workshop for the entire staffs of the Social Welfare Departments of neighboring communities – one Jewish and one Arab.
  • A comprehensive training program for educators and community workers in the South aiming to help them promote civic activism and awareness of human rights among their constituents.
  • A specialized three-day workshop on Civil Engagement and Activism for more than 100 school and civic leaders in the Northern Negev region. The program aimed to help the leaders empower their community members to realize their social and economic rights and to recognize and react to violations.
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