Take Action

  • Knesset Passes Boycott Law; ACRI Plans to Appeal

    Knesset Passes Boycott Law; ACRI Plans to Appeal

    July 12, 2011

    Last night (11 July 2011), the Knesset plenum passed the Boycott Prohibition Bill in its final reading, with 47 MKs … Read more

  • Public Network for Health Equity Demands National Plan for Closing Health Gaps

    Public Network for Health Equity Demands National Plan for Closing Health Gaps

    July 6, 2011

    The Public Network for Health Equity in Israel, of which ACRI is a member, calls upon Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu … Read more

  • Hamas Must End Illegal Treatment of Gilad Shalit

    Hamas Must End Illegal Treatment of Gilad Shalit

    June 24, 2011

    Marking five years since the capture of Gilad Shalit – Israeli, Palestinian, and international human rights organizations state: Hamas must … Read more

  • Harassment of Political Activists at Ben-Gurion University

    Harassment of Political Activists at Ben-Gurion University

    June 19, 2011

    ACRI in a letter to the President of Ben-Gurion University: “Take Action against Security Personnel Who Harassed Political Activists.”   … Read more

  • Average Israelis, how much do you know about the Jordan Valley?

    Average Israelis, how much do you know about the Jordan Valley?

    June 13, 2011

    Apparently, not enough. A public opinion survey commissioned by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) reveals: the majority … Read more