Legal Work

For a full list of pending legal cases that ACRI is involved in, click here.

  • High Court Dismisses Petition Regarding 12 Villages in Firing Zone 918

    High Court Dismisses Petition Regarding 12 Villages in Firing Zone 918

    August 14, 2012

    The Israeli High Court of Justice decided on August 8th, 2012 to dismiss the petition regarding the 12 Palestinian villages … Read more

  • High Court of Justice Denies Arab Citizens Right to Vote

    High Court of Justice Denies Arab Citizens Right to Vote

    August 2, 2012

    Bir Hadaj residents prevented from registering for regional council elections; Opinion warns that allowing Bedouin petitioners to vote in predominately … Read more

  • Khirbat Zanuta Petition – Still No Solution

    Khirbat Zanuta Petition – Still No Solution

    July 30, 2012

    Court gives parties 30 days to submit additional responses; State must offer a solution for the village residents; petitioners must … Read more

  • Tomorrow High Court Will Decide Fate of Khirbat Zanuta Residents

    Tomorrow High Court Will Decide Fate of Khirbat Zanuta Residents

    July 29, 2012

    Tomorrow (30 July 2012), the Israeli High Court will hear the petition of the residents of Khirbat Zanuta and the … Read more

  • Jerusalem Municipality Confiscates Demonstrators’ Equipment to “Prevent Waste of Public Money”

    Jerusalem Municipality Confiscates Demonstrators’ Equipment to “Prevent Waste of Public Money”

    July 24, 2012

    In response to a letter from the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) demanding the return of equipment confiscated … Read more