Preview of Human Rights Week at ACRI: Videos, Report, Events

December 2008 marks the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the world’s landmark human rights document

ACRI will mark Human Rights Week on December 7-11, 2008, with a host of dynamic events throughout Israel as well as the publication of new videos and our annual “State of Human Rights Report.” Each year, states throughout the world mark the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948 and this year will mark its 60th anniversary. As such, ACRI’s “State of Human Rights Report” 2008 evaluates Israel’s realization of the tenets of the Declaration, the world’s most important human rights document. This year, ACRI has concentrated its activities in the city of Ramle, under the headline: “Ramle: City of Rights.” Ramle is a Jewish-Arab city located in the center of the country, but socially and economically on the periphery. The events aim to raise awareness of human rights among the city’s diverse communities.

Below is a preview of the events and publications planned for the week:
· View the installments of ACRI’s video campaign by clicking on the following links:
Open Your Eyes:
Shining the Light 1:
Shining the Light 2:

·The release of ACRI’s “State of Human Rights Report 2008,” the most comprenhensive report on the range of human rights issues in Israel and the OPT, December 7

·A host of events and lectures throughout Israel, with most of them taking place in Ramle, including a hip-hop concert and award ceremony for ACRI’s Emil Grunzweig Human Rights Award on December 7 at 7 p.m. For details, click on the following link:


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Categories: Democracy and Civil Liberties


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