Despite significant advances made in recent years to ensure women’s equality in Israeli society, gender discrimination still exists in almost every aspect of life: employment, health, personal status, and more. Women from different population groups encounter multiple forms of discrimination and in most cases face greater obstacles in realizing their basic rights than men.
To complement the work of our partner NGOs, ACRI’s women’s rights program focuses on issues rarely or not at all broached. We currently work to advance the following issues: eliminating underage marriage; improving access to women’s health-care; countering discrimination against women in the family and religious court systems; and advocating for fair representation of women in public bodies and the media.
Resources on Women’s Rights:
Promoting Fair Representation of Arab Women in Family Courts, May 2008
ACRI Awards Human Rights Prize to Kolech, A Religious Women’s Forum, December 2007
ACRI to Knesset: Raise Legal Marriage Age to 18, November 2007
Include subsidized Contraception in National Health Insurance, July 2005.