Support ACRI

Donate to ACRI

ACRI’s vital work is made possible by the generosity of our many supporters in Israel and abroad. ACRI does not accept funding from the Israeli government or from political parties.

Please support our efforts to protect and promote human rights and civil liberties in Israel and the Occupied Territories by making a contribution towards our work.

Please send your donation to:

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel,
PO Box 34510, Jerusalem 91000, Israel

Kindly let us know of the check by fax +972-3-560-8165 or by sending an email to Libby Lenkinski Friedlander at:

Tax-exempt donations to ACRI may be made via the New Israel Fund. Contributions should be marked as donor-advised to ACRI and sent to:

In the U.S.:
New Israel Fund
PO Box 91588
Washington D.C. 20090-1588 USA
Tel. 202-842-0900; Fax 202-842-0991

In Canada:
New Israel Fund of Canada
801 Eglinton Ave. W. #401
Toronto, Ontario
M5N 1E3 Canada
Tel: 416-781-4322

In the UK:
New Israel Fund UK
26 Enford Street
Tel: ++44-207-724-2266
Fax: ++ 44-207-724-2299

For more information about ACRI’s work, please contact:
Libby Lenkinski Friedlander, Director of International Relations, at Tel: ++972-3-560-8185, Fax: ++972-3-560-8165

Thank you.
Our Donors

ACRI’s work would not be possible without the dedication and generosity of our many supporters in Israel and abroad.

We are especially grateful for the ongoing generosity and commitment of the New Israel Fund (NIF).

We also wish to acknowledge the support of the following major donors who contribute to ACRI:

Charities Advisory Trust

Christian Aid

The Naomi and Nehemia Cohen Foundation


Embassy of the Netherlands

The Lois and Richard England Family Foundation

The European Commission

Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED)

The Ford Foundation

The Heinrich Boell Foundation

The Humanitarian Trust

Human Rights and Good Governance Secretariat


The Norwegian Embassy

The Olivestone Trust

The Rosenzweig-Coopersmith Foundation

The Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust

Spanish Cooperation Office

US Department of State MEPI Program

War Child Holland

In addition, ACRI would like to express our deep appreciation to all those donors who wish to remain anonymous and to all our individual and other donors. Thank you so much for your steadfast support throughout the years.

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Categories: Democracy and Civil Liberties


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