Differences in Arrival Times of Ambulances to Various Localities
Committee tour of the Magen David Adom National Center following a discussion on the subject: Life and death differences in arrival times of ambulances in the center and the periphery of the country.
Special Committee on Distributive Justice and Social Equality | Sunday July 16, 2017 at 10:00 | Tour
ACRI’s position: The previous hearing on this issue was scheduled following the exposure of data from a freedom of information petition that ACRI filed. The data shows that Magen David Adom (MDA) does not have a procedure for deploying ambulances and that the amount of time it takes for ambulances to arrive to many communities exceeds the target of ten minutes which was set by the Ministry of Health. Disturbing gaps were also found in the arrival times between the center and the periphery and between different localities in the same area. Despite the partial data, it is easy to notice that the average arrival times are faster in Jewish communities than in Arab localities.
These findings oblige the Ministry of Health to examine the situation in depth and provide the necessary resources to MDA to improve the overall arrival time, as well as to prevent a situation in which the arrival times are significantly different between localities, with an emphasis on the inequality between Jewish and Arab localities.
Administrative Detention
The Counter-Terrorism Bill, 5765 – 2015 – The Remaining Section
Committee of Constitution, Law and Justice | Monday, July 17, 2017 at 11:00 am |Preparation for second and third readings
The discussion dealt with a government bill that regulates the use of administrative detention and administrative restriction orders. The bill seeks to turn the administrative detention procedure into a permanent law that will be an integral part of state law. It will expand the authority of the Defense Minister in a way which harms citizens’ freedom.
ACRI’s position: The bill seeks to make permanent the draconian mandatory regulations. Administrative detention severely violates human rights, and is not suitable for a democratic state in the 21st century. It creates a way to bypass law and justice and casts a heavy shadow on Israel’s democratic character. Administrative detention violates the right of a person to be free from arbitrary detention and is based on the unacceptable assumption that it is possible to predict future behavior of civilians. Administrative detention allows for imprisonment of people who have not committed a crime, using confidential material and without telling them of what they are accused. The State does not have to prove their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt through a fair criminal trial. Administrative detention allows the authorities to imprison a person even if they have no admissible evidence to prove guilt. It allows the security authorities to prosecute without making the effort required to collect sufficient and sufficient evidence. Administrative restraining orders also violate basic rights and basic democratic principles. They do not allow the citizen to contend with a fair legal procedure, and therefore they are unacceptable.
ACRI demands that administrative detentions and restriction orders be nullified immediately. At the very least, they should be permitted only in an extreme emergency situation, to be the subject of special declaration, when the capacity of the law enforcement agencies to act is gravely and seriously disrupted. We recognize the importance of the effective struggle against terror, as well as the state’s obligation to protect its citizens against serious violence. As a democratic state, however, Israel must combat terror in a manner that is consistent with the basis of its existence as a democracy.
Finance Committee | Monday, July 17, 2017 at 10:00 | Discussion
Planning and Construction in the West Bank
Updating the status of activity vis-à-vis illegal Palestinian construction in Area C
Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee – Subcommittee on Judea and Samaria | Tuesday July 18, 2017 at 11:30 | Discussion
Employment of Contract Workers at Universities
The employment deal is harmful to sanitation workers in institutions of higher education in Israel
Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality | Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 9:30 am | Discussion
ACRI’s position (within the framework of the National Direct Employment Coalition): About 1,500 sanitation and security workers are employed as contract workers in the six university institutions under the Council for Higher Education. Many of them work for many years at the university, while the contractors employing them changes every two or three years. In this way, the workers are dismissed and rehired and thus do not accumulate seniority and work without job security. Many studies have found that contractual employment is a primary reason for living below the poverty line, and has a high correlation with violations of workers’ rights and damage to their wages.
The National Staff Direct Employment Committee of the University’s sanitation and maintenance workers, which includes workers’ organizations, student organizations from all over the country, and social organizations, is working to change this situation and to bring about direct employment of these workers in the universities. This is to ensure employment security, fair employment, and a chance for social mobility, in that their children’s education will be funded like that of any other employee.