The High Court of Justice issued an order nisi yesterday (11.1.2017) on a petition against the forced eviction of Palestinians living in eight communities located inside Firing Zone 918. Residents were served evacuation orders back in 1999 due to their “illegal dwelling in a firing zone” in the South Hebron Hills. Over 1,000 Palestinians live today in the area, known as Masafer Yata, many of whom reside in caves and maintain a unique traditional way of life.
After 17 years of litigation, yesterday’s High Court hearing at last resulted in an order nisi, requiring the State to provide alternative propositions within 45 days. The justices stressed they are interested in reaching a compromise that would be acceptable to both sides, and asked that the army submit a new plan detailing its minimum needs for military training in the area. ACRI’s Chief Legal Counsel, Att. Dan Yakir, told the court yesterday that the petitioners are not willing to be evacuated from their homes, and stated that the establishment of the firing zone in a populated area of the Occupied Territories was done in violation of International Humanitarian Law.
Throughout the years, the army has presented various outlines for military training in Firing Zone 918, which were extensive and involved evacuation of many of the residents from their homes and lands for lengthy periods of time. During the previous hearing, in March 2016, such a plan was presented by the State and was rejected by the residents.
For background in English on Firing Zone 918 and for legal updates, click here: