Nominations for the Emil Grunzweig Human Rights Award

What do Keren Neubach, Dr. Yitzhak Kadman, The Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality, Kolech – the Religious Women’s Forum, Judge Yehudit Tzur and the organization assisting women and girls against violence in Nazareth have in common? They are have all been recipients of the Human Rights Award. Since 1981 ACRI has presented an annual award to a person or organization that has made a special contribution to the advancement of human rights in Israel. The recipients include men, women, Jews, Arabs and diverse organizations from different fields.


Year after year, the recipient’s stories highlight major public events and their impact on human rights issues. Following the assassination of ACRI member Emil Grunzweig, after he exercised his democratic right to protest, it was decided that the award should be in his name (1982). Professor Yitzhak Zamir received the award after he was forced to resign from his position as Attorney General following the Kav 300 affair (1986). The Hotline for Refugees and Migrants won the award for their work in raising the issue of migrant workers in the public consciousness (2001). Nir Katz’s mother received the award in his name at the Human Rights March, after he was murdered at Bar Noar (2009). Koach La Ovdim – Democratic Workers’ Organization received the award in recognition of their work in promoting the rights of diverse groups, including contract workers, to organize (2011).


Over the years, the stories of the Human Rights Award have become intertwined with the stories of the fight for human rights in Israel. Each year this special award reveals both the deepest faults in society and the network of people trying to repair them and protect human rights.


The struggle for human rights can be frustrating. It takes an enormous amount of effort, and the fruits ripen too slowly. The Human Rights Award allows us to shine a spotlight on these continuing struggles, and to provide a moment of recognition and pride for activists and organizations, that they so deserve.


If you know someone inspiring who is actively working to build a better society, someone who you always thought deserved to win a prize for what they do, then please nominate them for the Emil Grunzweig Human Rights Award. Just click here (link in Hebrew) or email:

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