Never has the value of human life been such a cause for concern in the Middle East as it is right now. While our attention is consumed by the fires raging outside Israel, threatening the lives of ordinary citizens, we should not lose sight of the continuing threats to human dignity inside Israel as the coalition government continues to widen the gaps between various social groups.
Child allowance benefits have recently suffered drastic cuts that are intensifying the plight of the needy. In such a reality, the existence of The Association for Civil Rights in Israel is absolutely vital. ACRI works day and night in an effort to safeguard the humane and just character of Israeli society. We are determined to continue this effort to defend human rights.
To ensure that ACRI’s voice continues to be heard, and to safeguard the hope on the horizon, despite the indifference being shown towards the weak and downtrodden, we need the support of every person whose future, and whose children’s future are important to them.
I urge you to support ACRI and sustain its ability to act for the benefit of our children and our shared future. If you live in Israel – now is the time to become a member and become a part of the solution. If you live abroad – you can make a genuine and lasting contribution to Israel by sending a donation to ACRI.
At the dawn of a new Jewish year, I wish everyone a Shana Tovah. May this year be fair and just to those in need, and may all of our sons and daughters finally experience genuine equality. This year, I hope we shall find ourselves living in a democratic country, a country whose compassion and fairness is shown to all its members.
Thanks to your courageous support, may we celebrate the new year with a sense of hope and optimism.
Shana Tovah.