On 28 July 2011, the Association for Civil Rights in Isreal (ACRI) held elections for board members. The newly elected board members are: Shaul Givoli, Prof. Aeyal Gross, Dr. Sarah Hazan, Momo Mahadav, Dr. Tally Kritzman-Amir, and Kochavi Shemesh (Tally and Kochavi were already members of ACRI’s Board of Directors before the elections, as added members).
The new board members join existing board members Dr. Adriana Kemp (Co-Chairperson), Dr. Gila Stopler (Co-Chairperson), Dr. Thabet Abu Ras, Anwar Dawood, Ram Cohen, Dr. Nissim Mizrachi, Dr. Adal Manna, Anat Saragusti, and Rabbi Binyamin Pearl.
Thank you to all those who participated in the elections, and good luck to ACRI’s board members, who all perform this duty as volunteers.