ACRI is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Sharaf Hassan as the new director of its Education Department. Hassan replaces Ms. Dubit Ater, who managed the department for some 10 years.
“ACRI’s Education Department has achieved many impressive successes and has developed new initiatives thanks to Dubit’s exceptional efforts and dedication,” said Hassan. “I want to take this opportunity to thank her for her unparalleled contribution to the department.”
The department is currently developing a strategy to implement its vision for the future of ACRI’s educational activities, he added. “We are looking into opening new horizons – working with youth and teens, expanding the educational resources available on ACRI’s Web site, and working with the Education Ministry to include content on human rights into school curricula.”
Hassan is an experienced educator and group facilitator. Before becoming Education Department director, he coordinated ACRI’s human rights education programs in the Arab school system for nine years. Since 1995, he taught civic, sociology, and political science at the high school level. In addition, Hassan has long been actively involved in a range of local and national civil society initiatives, including the Student Movement and Amnesty International – Israel Branch. Hassan holds a master’s degree in Sociology as well as a teacher’s diploma from Haifa University. He is currently completing a doctorate in sociology at Tel Aviv University.
ACRI’s Education Department was founded on the belief that to foster a culture of human rights and to bring about real and lasting social change in Israel, we have to work in the educational arena to advance the key values we advocate for in the legal and public arenas. As such, ACRI conducts human rights training programs for thousands of individuals across the country each year, produces high-quality educational curricula in Hebrew and Arabic, and organizes conferences and lectures on human rights education. We believe working with key agents of change – teachers in the Jewish and Arab school systems, students, security forces personnel, and social and community workers – is an effective method to influence attitudes and contribute toward building a more tolerant and just society.
Contact Sharaf Hassan at