Police Brutality

The police wield great power and authority that are sometimes put to unlawful use. To protect the basic rights of Israel’s citizens and residents, there must be effective mechanisms for monitoring police activities and handling complaints of police brutality.

In recent years, police brutality has become a major issue of concern in Israel, with thousands of complaints filed by citizens each year to the Police Investigations Department (PID) concerning issues such as the overwhelming force used in putting down demonstrations, or excessive force to secure an arrest. Such complaints do not always receive an adequate response due to problems within the investigations system.

ACRI is working intensively through parallel channels to combat the worrying phenomenon of police brutality and to ensure effective handling of complaints. Our activities include: providing guidance, information, and assistance to victims of police violence; preparing a rights manual that presents the existing laws and recourse available to victims; mobilising the media to generate awareness of this critical issue; and advocating before policy makers. In addition, ACRI provides human rights training programs for police cadets and officers so as to inculcate human rights values and ensure that the law enforcer does not become the lawbreaker.

Resources on Police Brutality:

ACRI Slams Decision not to Reopen Inquiry into October 2000 Killings, January 2008

Case Closed in Killing of Israeli Arabs, Fox News, January 27, 2008

ACRI Protests Border Guard Deployment Next to Palestinian Schools, March 2007

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Categories: Democracy and Civil Liberties, The Occupied Territories, Use of Force


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