Freedom of Expression

Freedom of expression is the cornerstone of democracy and is one of the essential ingredients in the realization of individual freedom because it allows members of a society to openly evaluate and criticize its government. As such, all individuals in democratic societies should have the right to express themselves freely in speech, writing or otherwise, to demonstrate freely, and to disseminate information and opinions for the public interest. Since the founding of the State of Israel, freedom of expression has been considered a basic right, even though the Declaration of Independence does not mention it.

Freedom of expression does not only mean the expression of views that are widely accepted by the public or reflect the government’s policies, but also views that incite anger and resistance among the majority.

ACRI has worked intensively for decades to prevent violations to freedom of expression in Israel, and has also brought about numerous landmark rulings safeguarding this fundamental freedom. Over the years, ACRI’s stance has been that the law should only limit freedom of expression when there is a clear and imminent danger that the expression will result in violence.

Resources on Freedom of Expression:
ACRI Slams Court Decision against Hijab-Wearing Teacher, September 2010

ACRI responds to “specific” summonses to Knesset Education Committee session, June 2010

ACRI: Put “We Con the World” Back on YouTube, June 2010

ACRI: University Lecturer has the Right to Express Political Opinions, August 2009

Defending Freedom of Speech in Israel, the Web 2.0 Version, June 2009.

Banning Nakba Commemoration ‘Leads to Oppression of Everyone’s Freedom of Speech’ , May 2009

ACRI: Extreme Forms of Expression are True Test of Democracy, September 2008

ACRI: Don’t Censor “The Shakshuka Method” Film, September 2008

ACRI: Discourse about Jewish Character of State Does not Threaten Israel’s Security, July 2008

The Talkback Law: The Internet’s Procrustean Bed, published on Ynet, May 2008

ACRI Challenges Investigation of Balad Party Activists, April 2008

ACRI: Allow Animal Rights Organization to Set Up Information Booths, February 2008

Court Upholds Appeal for Freedom of Expression in Municipal Property, April 2005

Photo by: Trillia Fidei-Bagwell

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Categories: Democracy and Civil Liberties, Freedom of Expression


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