ACRI Challenges Investigation of Political Activists

Claims that Balad party members could forge ties with Hizballah, were unfounded, violated activists’ freedom of expression

In April 2008, ACRI appealed to Israel’s Attorney General in response to the General Security Services’ (GSS) investigations of Balad Party members and their attempts to make them commit to having no contact with former Knesset Member Dr. Azmi Bishara. This was justified by the claim that all contacts with Dr. Bishara are liable to lead to recruitment to the Hizballah. ACRI’s intervention stressed that such a claim was unfounded, and that measures of this kind violate Dr. Bishara’s colleagues’ rights to freedom of expression and political activity, and the right to autonomy. ACRI demanded that the Attorney General order the GSS to immediately refrain from actions that are liable to discourage people from engaging in political activity in general, and involvement in the Balad Party in particular.

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Categories: Arab Citizens of Israel, Democracy and Civil Liberties, Freedom of Expression


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