Policy Advocacy

  • Counter-Protesters Terrorize Participants at a Political Conference

    Counter-Protesters Terrorize Participants at a Political Conference

    November 30, 2014

    ACRI contacted the Commissioner of Israel Police on November 26, 2014, following rioting by protesters at an artistic event that … Read more

  • ACRI: End the Use of Skunk Spray in East Jerusalem

    ACRI: End the Use of Skunk Spray in East Jerusalem

    November 27, 2014

    Since July 2014, large swathes of East Jerusalem streets have been covered in tremendous amounts of skunk spray. This new … Read more

  • ACRI to the Asheklon Mayor: Immediately Retract Your Decision to Fire Arab Employees

    ACRI to the Asheklon Mayor: Immediately Retract Your Decision to Fire Arab Employees

    November 20, 2014

      ACRI has urgently contacted the Mayor of Ashkelon following reports of his decision to terminate the employment of Arab … Read more

  • Lethal Force Must be Used by Police Only as a Last Resort

    Lethal Force Must be Used by Police Only as a Last Resort

    November 9, 2014

    Following the shooting incident in Kafr Kana, the Minister of Public Security Yitzhak Aharonovich issued a statement explaining that “terrorists … Read more

  • A Bill to Enable the Knesset to Circumvent the Supreme Court

    A Bill to Enable the Knesset to Circumvent the Supreme Court

    October 25, 2014

      The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) is vehemently opposed to the proposed bill that would enable the … Read more