Legal Work

For a full list of pending legal cases that ACRI is involved in, click here.

  • acri

    ACRI Petitions for Health Clinic in Unrecognized Bedouin Village

    October 27, 2008

    Residents of Tel Al-Melach must travel for 2.5 hours to reach nearest health clinic, despite State’s commitment to serve Bedouin … Read more

  • acri

    ACRI Submits Two Petitions on Behalf of East Jerusalem Children

    September 24, 2008

    17 Children Left without Places in Public Schools; Building Housing Shuafat Elementary Poses Major Health Risk to Pupils JERUSALEM – … Read more

  • acri

    Universal Dental Care for Children

    March 20, 2008

    ACRI demands that local authorities provide free dental care for all school-aged children, as stated in government regulations. In March … Read more

  • acri

    Israel to Register Adoptions by Same-Sex Couples

    January 10, 2008

    Israel Complies with ACRI’s, Court’s Demands, Will Register Adoptions Performed Abroad by Same-Sex Couples. Yet, ACRI opposes State’s proposal to … Read more

  • acri


    December 26, 2007

    The following is a summary of only some of ACRI’s litigation highlights and successes since 1972. ACRI has been instrumental … Read more