Legal Work

For a full list of pending legal cases that ACRI is involved in, click here.

  • “Investigate Police Conduct in Land Day Events in East Jerusalem”

    “Investigate Police Conduct in Land Day Events in East Jerusalem”

    April 5, 2012

    Eyewitness testimonies received by ACRI raise strong suspicions that police misconduct occurred during Land Day events in East Jerusalem (30 … Read more

  • Supreme Court: Prisoners Should Have Access to Books

    Supreme Court: Prisoners Should Have Access to Books

    April 2, 2012

    In a ruling today (2 April 2012) by the retiring Supreme Court President, Justice Dorit Beinisch, the court ordered the … Read more

  • Prawer Plan Promotes Racial Discrimination and Violates Rights of the Negev Bedouin

    Prawer Plan Promotes Racial Discrimination and Violates Rights of the Negev Bedouin

    April 1, 2012

    Today (1 April 2012),  human rights organizations Adalah and Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) formally submitted their reservations … Read more

  • NGOs Petitioned – and the Collective Deportation of South Sudanese Is Suspended

    NGOs Petitioned – and the Collective Deportation of South Sudanese Is Suspended

    March 29, 2012

    Ruling on a petition filed this morning by several human rights organizations, Jerusalem District Court Judge Yigal Marzel issued a … Read more

  • ACRI Files Additional Response in Racial Profiling Petition

    ACRI Files Additional Response in Racial Profiling Petition

    March 25, 2012

    Today (25 March 2012), ACRI filed its response to the State’s response in the petition against racial profiling in Israeli … Read more