Legal Work

For a full list of pending legal cases that ACRI is involved in, click here.

  • High Court Criticizes State’s Preparation for Biometric Database Pilot

    High Court Criticizes State’s Preparation for Biometric Database Pilot

    July 23, 2012

    During the hearing, the State admitted that the current order is faulty. The Justices criticized the outline of the pilot … Read more

  • Cancelling Demolition Orders in Area C Village (Khirbat Zanuta Petition)

    Cancelling Demolition Orders in Area C Village (Khirbat Zanuta Petition)

    July 22, 2012

    Summary The High Court ruled on 27.9.2017 to erase ACRI’s petition from 2007 against demolitions in the village of Khirbat Zanuta … Read more

  • Directive 834: Permit Required to Express Opinions and Values in Tel Aviv’s Public Sphere

    Directive 834: Permit Required to Express Opinions and Values in Tel Aviv’s Public Sphere

    July 15, 2012

    Directive 834 requires permit for all expression in public sphere; District Court Judge likely to dismiss petition against municipality.   … Read more

  • Security Service Not Authorized to Invade Computer Materials without a Warrant

    Security Service Not Authorized to Invade Computer Materials without a Warrant

    July 9, 2012

    The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) sent a letter today to the Attorney General, following recent reports that … Read more

  • Petition against Tel Aviv Municipality’s Repressive Protest Tent Policies

    Petition against Tel Aviv Municipality’s Repressive Protest Tent Policies

    July 3, 2012

    Appeal to District Court seeks to end the municipality’s unauthorized insistence on a prior permit; petitioners call burdensome bureaucratic requirements … Read more