Legal Work

For a full list of pending legal cases that ACRI is involved in, click here.

  • Ahead of President Obama’s Visit: Recent Human Rights Developments in the West Bank and East Jerusalem

    Ahead of President Obama’s Visit: Recent Human Rights Developments in the West Bank and East Jerusalem

    March 12, 2013

      The effects of the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem have wide-ranging consequences for the civilian Palestinian … Read more

  • High Court of Justice to State: Explain legality of anti-infiltration law

    High Court of Justice to State: Explain legality of anti-infiltration law

    March 12, 2013

    The state will be required to defend the legality of a number of sections of the anti-infiltration law, following a … Read more

  • Rights Groups Petition Court to Protect Rights of Status-less Children

    Rights Groups Petition Court to Protect Rights of Status-less Children

    February 28, 2013

      Internal memo directs Population and Immigration Authority not to include fathers’ information in children’s birth certificates.   The Association … Read more

  • Supreme Court permits publication of ACRI’s filings in ‘Prisoner X’ Case

    Supreme Court permits publication of ACRI’s filings in ‘Prisoner X’ Case

    February 20, 2013

       In response to ACRI’s request, the Supreme Court and the Central District Court have permitted the full publication of … Read more

  • Supreme Court permits publication of ACRI’s filings in ‘Prisoner X’ Case

    Supreme Court permits publication of ACRI’s filings in ‘Prisoner X’ Case

    February 20, 2013

       In response to ACRI’s request, the Supreme Court and the Central District Court have permitted the full publication of … Read more