Legal Work

For a full list of pending legal cases that ACRI is involved in, click here.

  • Court Roundup | February – April 2013

    Court Roundup | February – April 2013

    May 16, 2013

    Rulings & Decisions   Freedom of Information Request –  Allocation of State Land in the West Bank   On March 23, 2010, ACRI and Bimkom – … Read more

  • University can not Forbid Students from Distributing Political Leaflets on Campus

    University can not Forbid Students from Distributing Political Leaflets on Campus

    April 25, 2013

      Supreme Court grants ACRI appeal against Ben-Gurion University’s ban on distribution of leaflets on campus. Supreme Court President Grunis: … Read more

  • Information Sheet – Allocation of State Land in OPT

    Information Sheet – Allocation of State Land in OPT

    April 23, 2013

      It has emerged from facts provided to ACRI and Bimkom, that only 0.7% of state lands in Area C … Read more

  • Appealing Against Demolition Orders at the Bedouin Village of Saawa

    Appealing Against Demolition Orders at the Bedouin Village of Saawa

    April 4, 2013

        On March 21, 2013, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel filed an appeal against a judgment of … Read more

  • This Passover, All are Welcome at Park Anava

    This Passover, All are Welcome at Park Anava

    March 21, 2013

      Council had denied entry to nonresidents during the holiday of Sukkoth last year. Following ACRI enquiries, the Modi’in municipality … Read more