Legal Work

For a full list of pending legal cases that ACRI is involved in, click here.

  • Update: ACRI Prepares to Defend Khirbet Zanuta in the Supreme Court

    Update: ACRI Prepares to Defend Khirbet Zanuta in the Supreme Court

    July 22, 2013

    On September 9, 2013, the Supreme Court will hear a petition filed by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel … Read more

  • Use Public Land to Benefit the Public, Not Just to Make Profit!

    Use Public Land to Benefit the Public, Not Just to Make Profit!

    July 17, 2013

    New petition seeks to alter the considerations according to which  public land is allocated so that it benefits the public … Read more

  • Supreme Court to Decide: Do Homeless Have the Right to Exist in the Public Sphere?

    Supreme Court to Decide: Do Homeless Have the Right to Exist in the Public Sphere?

    July 10, 2013

        Tomorrow (Thursday July 11) the Supreme Court will hold a hearing on an appeal filed by the Tel … Read more

  • Court Harshly Criticises State Attorney as ‘918’ Hearing is Delayed

    Court Harshly Criticises State Attorney as ‘918’ Hearing is Delayed

    July 8, 2013

      Following the State’s foot dragging on responding to a petition against the forced evacuation of a thousand residents of … Read more

  • Prisoners Can Be Alone With Their Partners – Even Same-Sex Partners

    Prisoners Can Be Alone With Their Partners – Even Same-Sex Partners

    July 2, 2013

      The Israeli Prison Service has announced that same sex couples can now spend time alone following years of struggle … Read more