ACRI in the News

  • ACRI in the News: April 1 – April 15 2012

    ACRI in the News: April 1 – April 15 2012

    April 16, 2012

    Racial Profiling in Airports Arabs say they endure degrading security checks at airports 3 April 2012 (The National) Airport discrimination … Read more

  • ACRI in the News: March 1 – March 31 2012

    ACRI in the News: March 1 – March 31 2012

    April 2, 2012

    Discrimination in Housing in Acre   Mixed Israeli city marketing homes to religious Jews only, says rights group 4 March … Read more

  • ACRI in the News: Feb 1 – Feb 28 2012

    ACRI in the News: Feb 1 – Feb 28 2012

    February 28, 2012

    Racial Profiling in Airports   The documenter of the Israeli Jewish DNA 15 February 2012 (Haaretz) After the ruling on … Read more

  • ACRI in the News: Jan 14 – Jan 30 2012

    ACRI in the News: Jan 14 – Jan 30 2012

    January 31, 2012

    Health Care   Advocates want to nationalize school health 18 January 2012 (The Jerusalem Post) Opponents to the privatization of … Read more

  • ACRI in the News: Jan 9 – Jan 13 2012

    ACRI in the News: Jan 9 – Jan 13 2012

    January 15, 2012

    Law Banning the Word “Nazi” and Third Reich Symbolism   Israel cabinet supports bill to prohibit use of Nazi symbols … Read more