The Right to Privacy

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In a democratic society, every individual has the right to live in privacy, without fearing the disclosure of intimate, personal information to the public. In the digital age, technological advancements present new threats to the right to privacy. In Israel specifically, the state is working to establish several databases containing sensitive personal information on all members of society, for the distribution to and use of numerous private and government bodies.

ACRI works in the courts, in the Knesset, and with the public administration to reduce invasions of privacy, to ensure human rights are protected in the development of new technologies, and to restrict the ability of various actors to collect information and to use it inappropriately. ACRI has worked extensively, in particular, to oppose the general collection of personal information in preparation for the planned Biometric Database. ACRI has also worked to ensure the privacy of web-based communication from illegal and invasive state searches and to protest unlawful surveillance. ACRI’s human rights education includes information regarding the right to privacy, helping to promote these goals through public awareness and accountability.


Legal Work

In the Knesset



Policy Advocacy

Knesset Roundup