ACRI: Disqualification of Arab Parties Endangers Democracy

Central Election Committee’s decision will have grave implications for Israel’s parliamentary system

ACRI expresses shock and dismay at the Central Election Committee’s disqualification of the Balad and Ra’am-Ta’al (United Arab List) parties. The Committee’s attempt to prevent the representation of elected officials from a national minority group in the Knesset constitutes a severe blow to Israeli democracy. It’s clear that the disqualification of these parties will not be approved by the Court. Yet, the trend toward silencing opposition voices and violating the rights to vote and to be elected inherent in the decision are liable to have disastrous implications on the viability of Israel’s parliamentary system. Balad and Ra’am-Ta’al should be allowed to run for election to the Knesset along with other parties

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Categories: Arab Citizens of Israel, The Right to Equality


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