Arrest and Detention of Palestinian Minors in the Occupied Territories
2015 Facts and Figures[1]
By Attorney Nisreen Alyan and Sapir Slutzker Amran
This document presents the primary findings collected from responses received from the military and police to Freedom of Information requests submitted by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) regarding the arrests of Palestinian minors within the military court system. The requests were sent as part of the examination the organization conducts of the military’s activities in the Occupied Territories. ACRI pays special attention to the rights of Palestinian minors in legal proceedings, with an emphasis on proceedings of detainment, arrest and interrogation by Israeli police and military forces – and is highly concerned about the many breaches of human rights being committed in this context.
To read an abridged version of the report in English, click here.
To read the full report in Hebrew, click here.
[1] This document was published in March 2017, and is based on official answers concerning arrests made throughout 2015.