Since Israel’s illegal annexation of East Jerusalem in 1967, life for the city’s Palestinian East Jerusalemites has been a continuing cycle of neglect, discrimination, poverty, and shortages.
Palestinian East Jerusalemites hold the status of “permanent residents” of Israel. Permanent residents are required to pay taxes and are entitled to vote in the municipal elections and receive all the basic services provided by the municipality. Nonetheless, for the past four decades, the Israeli government has not budgeted resources for strengthening and developing East Jerusalem-resources that are essential for meeting the physical needs of the area and the needs of the population at its natural growth rate. As a result, there exists a severe shortage of public services and infrastructure in East Jerusalem, including health and education services, welfare services, postal services, water and sewage systems, and roads and sidewalks. The Municipality also discriminates against the Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem by enforcing a discriminatory building and planning policy, preventing them from obtaining building permits and then demolishing “illegal” homes and construction.
Though we regard East Jerusalem as occupied territory, ACRI’s position is that as long as Israel continues to exercise control over East Jerusalem and maintain responsibility for the welfare of its Palestinian residents, Israel is obligated under both Israeli law and international law to provide the Palestinian population with services that are on a par with the level of services provided within its own sovereign territory.