
ACRI releases publications on a range of topics relating to human rights and civil liberties.


  • acri

    ‘No Forwarding Address’: New Report on Policy toward the Homeless

    June 7, 2009

    Report by ACRI and Tel Aviv University portrays violations of the rights of the homeless in Israel, and proposes new … Read more

  • acri

    “Wake Up Call: Jerusalem Is Not Unified”

    May 19, 2009

    Palestinians and Israelis gather on Jerusalem Day to protest against the discriminatory policies in East Jerusalem. A first of its … Read more

  • acri

    ACRI’s 2008 Annual Report

    April 7, 2009

    Presenting ACRI’s legal, educational and public outreach work, the Annual Report brings personal stories and highlights the orgnization’s activities To … Read more

  • acri

    Protecting and Promoting LGBT Rights in Israel

    February 15, 2009

    ACRI’s achievements over the past two decades For more than a decade, ACRI has been at the forefront of the … Read more

  • acri

    Negev Bedouins – Info Sheet

    February 5, 2009

    The Arab Bedouin minority of the Negev is one of the most discriminated groups within the Arab population and within … Read more