
ACRI releases publications on a range of topics relating to human rights and civil liberties.


  • East Jerusalem in Numbers

    East Jerusalem in Numbers

    May 16, 2012

    East Jerusalem in Numbers May 2012   Population: 360,882 Palestinians comprising 38% of Jerusalem’s total population.   Revocation of Residency: … Read more

  • Jerusalem Day 2012: Unprecedented Deterioration in East Jerusalem

    Jerusalem Day 2012: Unprecedented Deterioration in East Jerusalem

    May 16, 2012

    The prolonged policies that created 78% poverty rates and a frail job market in East Jerusalem. Prolonged policies have stifled … Read more

  • Poverty Is Not Fated – Policies of Poverty in East Jerusalem

    Poverty Is Not Fated – Policies of Poverty in East Jerusalem

    May 14, 2012

    Jerusalem Day will be marked next Sunday, and the Israeli media will put a spotlight on the city – but … Read more

  • Five Questions on Administrative Detention and Administrative Control Orders in the Occupied Territories

    Five Questions on Administrative Detention and Administrative Control Orders in the Occupied Territories

    April 17, 2012

    By what authority? For what purpose? Against whom? How many? What’s the problem with it? Suspicions that have not been … Read more

  • What’s the Difference? Illegal Outposts, Palestinian Towns in Area C, and Unrecognized Villages in the Negev

    What’s the Difference? Illegal Outposts, Palestinian Towns in Area C, and Unrecognized Villages in the Negev

    March 26, 2012

    In recent months, there has been an ongoing public debate in Israel regarding the demolition of houses that were built … Read more