
  • acri

    ACRI on Revised “Transparency Bill”

    August 18, 2010

    Read letter and op-ed about dangerous legislative bill aiming to limit freedom of expression and legitimate civil society activity in … Read more

  • acri

    Knesset Approves Non-Profit Health Fund for Dental Care

    July 29, 2010

    Following an intense campaign by the Coalition for Public Dental Health, of which ACRI is a key member, the Knesset … Read more

  • acri

    ACRI: Current Knesset Threatens Israeli Democracy

    July 22, 2010

    In letter to PM, Knesset Speaker, ACRI Lists 14 Dangerous Draft Bills On July 21, on the last day of … Read more

  • acri

    Bloggers Mobilize – and Palestinians are Connected to Water

    July 20, 2010

    Activism 3.0: Without leaving the comfort of an air-conditioned room or even missing a day of work, hundreds of Israeli … Read more

  • acri

    ACRI Warns against Damaging Conversion Bill

    July 12, 2010

    First Knesset plenum vote approved – in theory – on draft legislation which would bolster Chief Rabbinate’s authority on conversions … Read more