Knesset Roundup

ACRI’s Knesset Roundup is a bi-weekly update on anti-democratic legislation currently underway in Israel’s Knesset, as well as updates on other legislative initiatives with impact on human rights, civil liberties, and equality in Israel.

To receive the Knesset Roundup directly to your email, sign up here.

  • Knesset Roundup | June 11

    Knesset Roundup | June 11

    June 11, 2013

                      To receive the Knesset Roundup directly to your email, click here. … Read more

  • Knesset Roundup | May 21

    Knesset Roundup | May 21

    May 21, 2013

    Raising the Age of Marriage     Continuity Motion for the Draft Bill on the Age of Marriage  Ministerial Committee … Read more

  • Knesset Roundup | May 7

    Knesset Roundup | May 7

    May 7, 2013

    Prohibition on Refugees and Asylum Seekers Transferring Money Overseas   Continuity Motion for the Draft Bill to Prevent Infiltration Ministerial … Read more

  • Knesset Roundup – Opening of the Summer Session

    Knesset Roundup – Opening of the Summer Session

    April 23, 2013

      The focus of the upcoming session will undoubtedly be passing the national budget, which we expect to be released … Read more

  • What to expect from the 19th Knesset

    What to expect from the 19th Knesset

    January 10, 2013

    A new Knesset and government following the 22 January elections will bring renewed challenges for human rights in Israel and … Read more