Knesset Roundup

ACRI’s Knesset Roundup is a bi-weekly update on anti-democratic legislation currently underway in Israel’s Knesset, as well as updates on other legislative initiatives with impact on human rights, civil liberties, and equality in Israel.

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  • acri

    Knesset Roundup | 21 February 2011

    February 21, 2011

    February 15 – February 25 2011     Recent Anti-Democratic Legislation   February 15 | Prohibition on Instituting a Boycott … Read more

  • acri

    Knesset Roundup | 31 January 2011

    January 31, 2011

      January 25 – February 15 2011     Recent Anti-Democratic Legislation   January 25 | Citizenship Law, Amendment: Revocation of … Read more