In the Knesset

  • acri

    The Infiltration Prevention Bill – Lies and Reality

    February 4, 2010

    The Refugees’ Rights Forum, of which ACRI is a member, released a position paper outlining the truths about this dangerous … Read more

  • acri

    Targeting of Human Rights Organizations Destroys Israeli Democracy

    February 1, 2010

    Thirteen Israeli human rights organizations sent an urgent letter to the president, Knesset speaker and prime minister, protesting the increasing … Read more

  • acri

    HR Organizations: Establish Independent Inquiry into Cast Lead

    January 26, 2010

    One year after the war in Gaza and before the UN will debate the Goldstone report, organizations urge Prime Minister … Read more

  • acri

    ACRI to Attorney-General: Clarify Police Guidelines on Demonstrations

    January 21, 2010

    Following illegal arrests in Shiekh Jarrah, ACRI urges the Attorney-General: “The severity of this conduct warrants setting clear guidelines,” Press … Read more

  • acri

    ACRI, NGOs Potest “Transparency” Conference in Knesset

    November 26, 2009

    In November 2009, ahead of a conference in the Knesset aiming to delegitimize the work of Israeli human rights and … Read more