Urgent appeal against settler attacks on Palestinians in Hebron

On 27.10.05 ACRI submitted a written appeal to the State Attorney’s Office in response to the violent attacks by Jewish settlers on Palestinian residents of the Wadi Hassin neighborhood.

27th October, 2005

Attorney Shai Nitzan
Deputy Attorney General
State Attorney’s Office


Re: Continued rioting by Jewish settlers against the residents of the Wadi Hassin neighborhood in the city of Hebron.

I am submitting this urgent written appeal to you in response to reports of violent attacks being carried out by Jewish settlers against the residents of the Wadi Hassin neighborhood in the city of Hebron, which began yesterday and are continuing today with no sign of abating.

Residents of the neighborhood state that the violence began yesterday at 7.30 am in the morning, when approximately 100 Jewish settlers from Kiryat Arba began attacking all the homes in the neighborhood of Wadi Hassin with rocks. The settlers blocked the road leading to the neighborhood with large rocks, and began breaking up and throwing concrete blocks that were located on the side of the road.

As a result, the road leading to the neighborhood has been totally blocked since yesterday morning. Likewise, the settlers at the site are continuing to attack the residents’ homes. The resultant effect is that since yesterday morning all the residents have been trapped in their homes consumed by fear. Residents who tried to leave their homes were attacked, and forced to return.

The neighborhood residents are further reporting that although police and army forces are present at the site, even they are subject to attacks by settlers.

Even now we are receiving reports that dozens of settlers have gathered in Mr. Kayid Da’ane’s back yard, a resident of the Wadi Hassin neighborhood, and are attacking his house.

Despite the residents’ extremely difficult situation, the police and the army are not taking the required action to deal with the ongoing violence. In these circumstances, and in light of the continuing laxity displayed by the authorities in their attempts to deal with the violence, we feel it is appropriate to warn you of this untenable situation, and to ask you to take the necessary action to ensure that the security forces exert their authority and honor their obligation to protect the local residents.


Attorney Limor Yehuda

last updated : 30/10/05

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Categories: The Occupied Territories, Use of Force


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